Monday, June 28, 2010

Week 7: Location Decisions, Our Choice

Not sure if a blog is required this week so am forging away. This week required the same work as last week, but the criteria and the location were our choice. I briefly considered Durham, NC, but I can't easily get the shapefiles I would like - has a better centralized shapefile inventory than the NC equivalent or than what I could get from Durham. I chose Leon County, NC, largely because it had an interesting rail-trail and a university, Florida State, in Tallahassee. I wanted a location that was close to libraries, to FSU, and to the rail-trail, but also with high median house values.

This provided an interesting conflict because central Tallahassee has low house values (and correspondingly high poverty levels), although this area is close to the uni and near public libraries and the trail. So the result is a tradeoff: which is more desirable: high house values, or the amenities that make life worth living?

I've attached my poster, or at least what I think is a poster, detailing the process and the outcomes.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Remote Sensing: Week 1 map
The map to which this link should direct you is my first map in ERDAS (ERDAS IMAGINE 2010, which looks like the latest Windows interface, alas). It was an interesting - perhaps frustrating would be a better word - experience, but at least it was a learning experience. I'd like to know more about in what way ERDAS is better suited to displaying aerial photographs, etc. than ArcGIS (after all that time I have spent making sense of ArcGIS!) I hope it will get easier with practice.