Monday, February 15, 2010

Week 5: South/Central Florida's Hispanic Population, in Adobe Illustrator

This week's assignment was to take a ready-made map in Adobe Illustrator and rearrange the items so that the information was displayed better. We also had to add a north arrow and a neatline. You can see the original on the far left; the one on the right is mine after my changes.

I had a lot of trouble with this assignment and I'm not perfectly satisfied with the end result, though I do think it is an improvement. It took me ages to get the legend in the right place relative to the south/central map of counties. I admit I did not see the videos before getting the map done as I kept getting error messages when I tried (in fact AFTER uploading the final image to this blog I tried one more time and lo and behold, this time the first video worked) - I have been consulting a book on Adobe (and various Help messages on their website) .

I removed the extra zeroes that were originally in the legend percent figures, as they are statistically meaningless as well as confusing to the reader. I used the Kuler tool to find a "swatch" of five colors, but I could not find a Kuler swatch that simply went from light to dark and the one that was closest to what I wanted had two reds that I could not distinguish once they were on the map, so I changed one of the colors in the five-color range to make the differences clearer.

I didn't like any of the arrows that Adobe offers - importing a graceful one would be better - so I compromised by thinning one of their arrows once it was on the screen. I couldn't do anything about the scale bar, which looks too big and clumsy - and is now equidistant from the small-scale and the large-scale Florida map - but I had to let it stand. Maybe when I have better skills I'll be able to fix that! In a word - Phew. I'm glad to have this lab over.

1 comment:

  1. Good effort Dilys. I'm impressed with all of your background research. I would suggest reserving blue for water and like you mentioned the location of the scale is misleading. It also looks like some of the county outlines are missing in the Hispanic population.
