Saturday, July 17, 2010

Week 4: Supervised Classification

Here is a link to the map that resulted from this week's lab:
I'm finding RS really interesting even though the software is dismayingly unfriendly to the user (but powerful). This week we classified land cover types from a satellite image, and then recoded some of the land cover types (merging classes to make fewer classes). I had trouble with recoding in the challenge lab although it seemed to go OK in the main lab. Still have questions about the mechanics of this - remote labs are OK but the discussion board for questions works only so far. I'm finding ERDAS to be a sort of Frankensteiny monster - powerful but lurching from side to side unpredictably (not to mention crashing without warning) and so far it's awfullly hard to get it to do what I want. More practice would help. I wish I'd taken remote sensing when I did my geography degree and was actually present in person!

1 comment:

  1. "Frankensteiny Monster" -- I love that description for ERDAS! Like you, I also think it's very interesting, and wish I could take it in person (though your maps all seem to come out well, regardless!). You seem to have an abundance of "grace under pressure," which seems to be what GIS requires. Keep up the great attitude and work!
